GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Hotel Pernik boasts 202 rooms with excellent views over Holguin City. At the budget end of the scale the accommodations are well presented and true value for money. Holguin is known as the city parks. It is also famous for its cultural traditions, which are deeply rooted in this part of eastern Cuba. The May 3rd Pilgrimages, the Ibero-American Culture Festival, and the Banes archaeological zone, which is known as Cuba's archaeological capital, make up only a fraction of what you can find in the region. And so you can enjoy the city up close,, recommends the Pernik Hotel, located in a busy social and cultural area. Facilities include: telephone, satellite tv, video, and private baths. Restaurant with both Cuban and international cuisine, 24H cafeteria, grill, snack bar, disco, pool, tennis courts, games room, money exchange, medical services, post office, conference rooms, car rental, taxis, safe-deposit box and parking.
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